Communicating With Your Missionaries
“Missionaries need communication. It can get really lonely at times. OF course we didn’t have the blessing of email and if it got windy our phone went out so the post office was our life line.”
1. “We’re praying for you”
2. News about your family/their family
3. Church news – but don’t be a gossip and don’t burden the missionary with church problems!
If the missionaries are from your church send them the church bulletin. My grandmother actually wrote her letter to me on the church bulletin. Of course she always needed extra paper but the letter started out on the bulletin. She was very faithful to send it each week.
4. Photos
5. “Stuff” – salad dressings or seasoning mix, stick of gum, sachet, flavoured tea bag, stickers, bookmarks (Check first with your missionary to see if letters with extra contents come through unharmed)
6. Book reviews
7. Magazine / local newspaper clippings
8. Comics from the newspaper, the appropriate ones, were always a hit at our house.
9. Special Bible verses
10. Birthday cards
11. If sending stuff in boxes, “Oh, and to pack any boxed gifts for out of the country with interesting newspaper articles, I guess would be a good idea then!”
The above above article have been modified but originally taken from
Link included to give credit, but we do not endorse all content on their website.